Restaurant Review: The Root Restaurant & Bar

Very rarely can you get it right on the first try…tonight was a rare occasion.

After a long day, Scott and I decided it was best if we ate out…neither of us felt like cooking or cleaning.  I suggested we head to The Root.  Scott was skeptical, every time we try a new restaurant in their first week of being open, we’re disappointed.  I whined, and whined, and eventually he caved in :)

I have been anxiously following the opening of The Root Restaurant and Bar on Facebook for months.  As a foodie and lover of local fare, the promise of The Root was right up my alley.

From top to bottom, beginning to end, this was an excellent experience.  The highlight of the meal was when the chef James Regatto came out to ask about our meal. (The only other time this has EVER happened in all of my travels and dining adventures was when we ate at Pierre Gagnaire.)  We sat at the bar, the staff was welcoming, menu is INCREDIBLE and LOCAL.

Needless to say, we will head there again – and I know next time we’ll need to make reservations…once the word gets out, this place will be packed every night.