I would like to alert you to an excellent opportunity (below, or a pdf with more information here.) The MI Learns portal is actively seeking submissions of teacher-created materials for their portal. It is an excellent way to share the work you did (or are doing) in CEP 820 (and get a small stipend for doing so!)
If you have any questions about the project, please let me know or feel free to contact Mike Souden directly!
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Mike Souden <mksouden@gmail.com>
I am Mike Souden, Project Manager for the REMC Michigan Learns Online
Portal project (www.milearnsonline.org). The purpose of the portal is
to address the need to expand online instruction throughout the State
of Michigan specifically online courses and professional development
for teachers and administrators that focus on online learning. The
portal currently contains a broad set of resources except that it does
not have sufficient numbers of teacher generated and used online
learning lessons, units or courses.
Andy Mann suggested that I contact you to see if you have any teachers
in your Masters Level online learning classes that may have something
that they can contribute. There is also the possibility that they
could receive a modest stipend for their contribution. Teachers can
currently contribute to the MI Learns Online Portal by zipping the
lesson, unit or course that they are currently using and sending with
a completed form to milearnsonline@remc.org. If the teacher would
like to get reimbursed, they need be certain that the material is
aligned to the Michigan Common Core, GLCS or HSCS and follows a rubric
to assess the quality of the online learning experience.
With this note is a brochure explaining the project in more detail. I
would appreciate it if you would share the brochure with teachers in
your classes and have them contact me for more information.
Mike S
Mike Souden
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