Here’s what happened

Inspired by Howard, Colleen, Andy and Kari, I thought I would give you some insight into my medical story.  The story started almost 4 years ago when I was diagnosed with endometriosis and hopefully, after yesterday, has come to its final chapter.  In talking with my close friends, many also suffer with the disease.  After much prodding and procedures it was determined I had an especially delicate case since it was suspected that the disease had entered my colon.  As you can imagine, this caused quite distressing pain.  I had great fear of going into surgery  – as the risks were quite overwhelming.  So, as an initial treatment plan I was advised to try hormone suppression therapy (i.e. forced menopause).  I tried that for about a year and while it stopped the worse symptoms of the disease, it caused a plethora of unpleasant and unbearable side effects.

I quit the medication for almost a year and 1/2 and then, towards the end of last year, things boiled back up to being unbearable again.  In December, I made the decision to take care of myself and go the surgical route.  I was referred to Dr. Tommaso Falcone at the Cleveland Clinic. From our inital meeting, to the surgery yesterday, I never had a single doubt or fear. Dr. Falcone is an amazing professional and the staff at the Cleveland Clinic, from the front desk, to pre-op, to the recovery room was and is world class.

During the surgery yesterday – Dr. Falcone removed the endometriosis from my ovaries, bladder, and bowel.  He removed my appendix which was completely covered by the endometriosis and another specialist was called into the surgery to assist with my colon, which had been bound and twisted by the enodmetriosis.  No wonder I was in so much pain! Though I am rough around the edges after the surgery, I’m confident that I made the right decision and that my insides have finally been set straight!

I can’t thank all of you enough for the outpouring of support – I often proclaim my love for my social network and all of the messages/tweets/posts sure do make me feel loved.  There is one very special person who deserves public thanks (over and over) – my husband Scott.  While I focused hiding my pain at work and school, I did not hide it at home.  I thank and love him for sticking with me, especially during the low points over the past few years.  I look forward to getting back on track and being healthy and happy!

I’m staying low-key for the next couple of days (hard for me to do!) – I look forward to getting back at it very soon! xoxo

11 thoughts on “Here’s what happened

  1. You are my new hero…very courageous post, Leigh! Thank you for sharing…speedy recovery, my dear!

  2. Stay low-key longer than you think. I know you’ll feel like you can power through, but you’ll thank yourself later. Love you!

  3. From taking your class and seeing you around at conferences, I never would have guessed that you were going through something like this. You are amazing that you were able to accomplish so much and be so outstanding at what you do with the health problems going on. I pray that for healing and rest for you!

  4. Leigh, you are one brave person! I could never tell you were going through all that… Glad to hear that all went well. Hope you recover soon. Our love and prayers with you.

  5. Leigh, you constantly amaze me. I’m so proud of you for the strength you’ve shown in this post and the courage to keep a smile while you lived and endured this. The Leigh and Scott team endures! I’m sure he’s now tending to your every need. Take time to heal and recover. Smile and rest often. :-)

  6. Oh my goodness! I have several friends with this disease, but I didn’t know how bad it could get. You are in my thoughts and prayers, and I wish you a speedy recovery.

  7. I’m so sorry that you’ve had to go thru all of this. I hope that you heal very quickly and are up and running for the warm weather to come. =) Take care Ms. Tech Queen!

    Laura Cross

  8. I am glad that everything went OK but I am sorry that you went through all this! I hope and wish from now on you will have only pleasant experiences to share…
    You are amazing and we (all your fans) love you!

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