i’m too old for this

So, the people in the apartment next to (or maybe above) me are having a party…I have a paper to finish, and then I need to go to bed.  This is why college is for 18-24 year olds and why you can never go back to the good old days :) I guess I’m officially old and grouchy.

3 thoughts on “i’m too old for this

  1. i think i agree with you on this one, but i am in your 18-24 y.old classification … maybe i am prematurely becoming old and grouchy… ;(

  2. i think i agree with you on this one, but i am in your 18-24 y.old classification … maybe i am prematurely becoming old and grouchy… ;(

  3. oops, clearly i am a retard since i accidentally posted the same message twice … ha!

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