MSU & SXSW – How can I connect YOU?

Last year I had the pleasure of traveling with the MSUAA team to SXSW Interactive.  It was the first time I (and MSUAA) had ventured to SXSW and we certainly got our feet wet.  One of the charges in going down there was to bring SXSW to MSU.  As my MAET students and alums know, I love connecting and sharing, so this challenge was right up my alley.  We captured many of our experiences on the MSUAA blog –

One of my favorite stories of connecting MSU to SXSW was my chance encounter with Clay Spinuzzi.  You can read the whole story here – It’s a pretty cool example of how twitter and social media connects us and facilitates collaboration.

SO, I’m here to pre-plan and put out an all call to the MSU community – how can I (and the rest of the MSUAA team) bring SXSW to you?

First, you may be asking, what is SXSW.  Here’s info on SXSW (South by Southwest) Interactive –
If you take a look through the programming, you will see there are many cross disciplinary connections and possibilities.

In addition to SXSW Interactive, I’ll also be attending SXSWEDU which started last year and is specifically targeted towards education. The lineup for SXSWEDU can be found here:

What do I need from you? You can email me or comment below – if you have no idea how your class/research connects, but have an inkling that this may be cool, that’s ok! We can skype/Adobe Connect into your class, I can interview people for you, I can connect your students to experts via twitter…the possibilities are endless.  I’m here to help (and do all the work!)

On a last minute side note – I’m headed to my first Consumer Electronics Show conference next week. It was an extremely generous surprise from my techie friends Ryan, Clint, Henry and Scott. I’ll be tweeting & posting the experience as usual – but if there is anything (ed)techie you want me to check out, by all means, post in the comments below and I’ll do my best to be your eyes and ears on the ground. All things CES can be found here

To my #MAET friends – this offer goes out to you too! If you see any classroom connections, by all means, please let me know how I can help!

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