Recap: Ask Me Anything – A Supportive CPED Crowdsourced Webinar

Today I had the pleasure of meeting with a group of CPED colleagues to provide support and suggestions for EdD programs that have transitioned to remote instruction. The sea of advice we are swimming in can be overwhelming, so it was nice to have the opportunity to connect with a small and focused group of EdD colleagues dealing with similar challenges.

I’ve embedded my slides below and will list a few quick links links here as follow ups to the discussion (there are also some embedded links in the slides.) CPED members will be able to view an archive of the webinar on the CPED website.

Finally, I want to give a shout out to my former MSU colleague Dr. William Cain who attended the webinar (what a nice surprise!) and I think you need to host the next one William! Dr. Cain has done some spectacular work on syncromodal classes – you can check out his Google Scholar profile here: 

As a community we are going to continue to work through these challenges and we are so lucky to have CPED to connect and support our efforts. It was great connecting with everyone today and please don’t hesitate to reach out (and continue to share your challenges and successes.) My slides are below and the session can be found here:

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