Your #maet #edtech questions answered!

I love when people ask me questions! Over the past few days, I have received some great questions from MAET students and COE colleagues – are are a few quick ones worth sharing with a wider audience.

I’m moving from an elementary homeroom class to a middle school writing classroom – what advice to you have for me?

I outsourced this question to twitter – here’s what came back:

Write WITH your students. Honor their writing. Check out for juicy resources. via @andreazellner

Spend as much time as you can during the first week building relationships and setting expectations! (TO INFINITY). Have the class collaborate on the rules of your classroom – have THEM develop what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Post it on a big piece of paper! Have them all SIGN IT! via @ronhoutman

UPDATE: Another submission from the survey!

Buy Nancy Atwell’s book “In the Middle” that focuses on reading and writing workshop. It’s amazing!

My advice – tweet! Personal Learning Networks are a great source of support and knowledge – you never know where a RT will lead you. Also, post the question to #edchat – so many educators ready and willing to help out there. If you are worried about privacy and posting questions “out there” in the twitterverse you could always create an anonymous twitter account, or, email me! I’m always happy to help crowdsource! For those just running across this post, feel free to add your tips in the comments.

I always see you post links from delicious on Facebook/Twitter, but I couldn’t figure out how to do it myself today. How do you do it??

I use twitter feed – I use it to feed Flickr, Delicious and shared Google Reader items to twitter. It’s easy and free!

Update 8/31:

Follow up question: is there any way to control which delicious links I share via twitter and which ones I don’t?

Yes! When you’re tagging things with delicious, create a special tag for things you want to go to twitter (something like totwitter 4twitter, etc.) Then feed TwitterFeed the RSS for that tag only.  For example, if I only wanted to share things I tag with “maet” to twitter I would feed TwitterFeed the following URL:

So, just replace my username with your username and “maet” with your special tag! I believe it is case sensitive, so make sure they match on delicious/TwitterFeed.

I am looking for an online scheduler to do one very specific task: Allow students to sign up for office hours.
The amazing and talented Cary Roseth –  introduced it to me last semester – it’s a gem! (and free!)

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