#OERizona 2019 Provocation: Open Education Practices – Articulating Behaviors & Practices

This afternoon I had the honor of leading a “provocation” at the #OERizona Open Practices, Open People conference. It was a tremendous group of practitioners – both online and in-person. I knew we would have a large contingent of online participants, so I did my best to construct the activity (below) so that both groups could feel a sense of shared space.

In short, I lead participants in two 15 minute “sprints” where they brainstormed open educational behaviors and practices in shared google docs that represented their position(s). Then, as a surprise twist at the end, I led them to a doc with the text below which pulls everything together into a shared blog post that can be remixed, reused and recycled. (It was a bit of a spin on my #IPDX15 keynote.)

It’s always a wonderful experience when you have participants who are trusting and open in spirit – I sincerely appreciate the generosity of time and ideas shared – and I’m looking forward to seeing how the posts evolve and grow over time. I’m just starting to dig through the pages myself and can’t wait to see how the collective ideas continue to spread.


Are you new to Open Educational Practices?
Are you a shining star of Open Educational Practices? 

If you answered yes to either question, this post is for you! On Tuesday, 29 October 29, 2019 over 100 students, educators, librarians, instructional designers, educational technologists, and people in other roles supporting teaching and learning came together (face to face and online) at OERizona to create these pages for you. The pages will remain open until November 1st, and then will be cleaned up (formatted) and closed for further edits.  

In these pages, we attempt to provide examples of OEP behaviors and practices within each of our areas of expertise.   We were inspired by the work of Elhers and Conole (2010) and hope to continue to push the boundaries and definitions of Open Educational Practices. 

If you would like to replicate this activity, you can visit the slidedeck for more information. 

Session facilitated by Leigh Graves Wolf. Individual pages contain author attributions.