Catching Up & Documenting All the Things

A slide with a picture of Leigh along side text that says Recognition Integrating Scholarship with Service

Oy, it’s November and the lack of a post since June is an indication that it has been a whirlwind of a few months.  In an effort to use this space for documentation of artifacts for annual review, I’ll post a few highlights from the semester (so I have them officially archived!)

I started out the semester with a very nice surprise, I was named a recipient of the MLFTC Integrating Scholarship with Service Award. This was completely unexpected and was a wonderful way to start the semester.

A slide with a picture of Leigh along side text that says Recognition Integrating Scholarship with Service

This semester I’ve been teaching a hybrid version of TEL 713 (Qualitative Methods in Action Research) and it has been such a change to be back in the classroom “real time” – after the semester is over I’ll put myself on the hook for a blogpost reflecting on the experience (hopefully the picture gives some indication of the joy in the experience.)

Picture of a class of 16 adults, from different backgrounds.

I was able to attend the 2022 CPED Convening in person this year after helping to orchestrate the past two virtual sessions. Additionally, I was the faculty coordinator for the 3rd Annual CPED Scholarly Practitioner Research Forum. Working with the student co-chairs Matt Rice and April Lovett was a true joy.  I also was able to present with dear colleagues from ASU and DCU – so much joy!

5 scholars - 4 women on left and one man on right in front of slide presentation.

Here are the slides from our presentation: Fostering and Maintaining International Collaborations for Student Development

Finally, In late October I facilitated a (virtual) presentation with the great folx at UNC Charlotte titled Exploring the Pedagogical Landscape of Trust and Fairness (slides):

I’m sure I’m forgetting a few things, but, I think this helps me get caught up on a few things before more time slips away!