While we were on the DCU campus yesterday evening, we stopped in at “The HUB” – the campus pub/coffee shop. We were the oldest people by about 30+ years, but, the locals were very welcoming and interested in chatting with us. We met a nice young woman who is a communication and media studies major. After talking about her (very cool) interests in researching Irish media (in the hopes of changing and promoting it on a wider scale) we asked her for recommendations on where to visit in Ireland. While the first few days of my trip were strictly business – I also have a few days off the clock for vacation (though I’m happily using that time to scout out places around the country for potential side trips!) She told us we must visit her home town, Clonakilty in West Cork and we *must* stay at Inchydoney Island Lodge. We purposely left a few days completely free of plans (which we never do) to explore and go where the wind takes us…so we let the wind take us to Inchydoney!
I can say, without much hesitation, that this may be one of the most relaxing places I have ever been. Since it’s low season (pretty sure we may be the only people staying here right now…) and we stopped in late, we got an amazing rate. The hotel has a heated pool filled with sea water, a huge lounge with big comfy chairs, and a room with a view of the Atlantic Ocean.
So, all of this is to say – one thing I’m learning about the Irish is that they’re a lot like Michiganders. We LOVE to help people, talk to them, and share our beautiful state – and the Irish (at least the ones we have met) have the same passion for their country. I’ve also (re)learned how much fun travel can be when you don’t worry about reservations, Yelp ratings, or a time table. Can’t wait to continue the journey tomorrow….
When I was traveling around Ireland a couple summers ago, I bought a road atlas and picked places to end up every night. I’d arrive to each new place, find a B and B, find some music and see where I might want to be the next day. It was so easy and so much fun. I can’t wait for this summer!