Snack Break! Waffles for one?

So, while I should be blogging about my dissertation or teaching related things, I’m slightly stressed and thought it would be a good time for a snack break!

With the aid of some saved up gift cards, a few weeks ago I purchased my first ever waffle-iron.  I did my research (Cook’s Illustrated, Alton Brown, Amazon reviews, etc.) and finally decided I had to have the Cadillac of waffle irons — the All-Clad 4-square Belgian Waffle Maker. (Did I mention I had gift cards?)  This purchase and sudden interest in waffles was inspired by the inventive Waffelizer blog. After coming across the blog a few months ago, I decided to make waffles (or things waffled) predominately featured on the Fall 2010 tailgate menus.  With summer teaching around the corner, final grades due this week, and a dissertation cloud over my head, I could not imagine a better time to immerse myself in a new hobby. (Do I even have to say insert sarcasm here?)

Long story short, my first attempt at waffles went pretty well.  I had planned on making waffles for dinner this past Sunday night after running the exciting Heart of a Spartan 5K in the morning.  Now, I don’t think waffles for dinner is bizarre, but, my husband disagreed and did not express a desire to partake in the fruits (breads?) of my waffling.  So I went a googling for a “waffles for one” recipe.  (I didn’t have any wax paper or ziplocs for freezing and I just wanted to make 2 waffles.)

I was disappointed with my google search — had no one perfected the waffle for one? So, I decided it would be a great time to experiment — and here is what I came up with! (It was successful if I do say so myself!)

Waffles for One
Perfectly portioned to fill one side of the All-Clad 4-square Belgian Waffle Maker.

Dry Ingredients:
1/3 cup organic flour (or, play around and get up to a 1/3 of a cup of different flours, whole wheat, etc.)
pinch of salt
3/4 tsp baking powder
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp cinnamon

Wet Ingredients
1/2 egg
1/4 c buttermilk (or regular milk if you don’t have buttermilk on hand)
1 tbsp melted butter
dash of vanilla

Step 1: Put dry ingredients in small bowl and set aside

Step 2: Melt the butter and let it cool (but not re-coagulate)

Step 3: Crack egg and whisk it up, scoop out approx 1/2 of the egg (you can cook it up to go with your waffle!)

Step 4: Whisk buttermilk into egg, whisk in vanilla, whisk cooled butter into the mix.

Step 5:  Mix wet and dry ingredients – give it a few nice stirs to make sure all ingredients are incorporated.

The waffle iron was set to 6 (out of 7.) I scooped out the contents bowl to fill the left side of the waffle maker.  Set the lid down and once the escaping steam slowed down, lifted the lid. Looked nice and golden brown – but put the lid down for another few seconds (I like crisper waffles.)

And there you have it – two perfect waffles emerged from the Cadillac, I mean @allclad waffle iron. I drizzled with some local honey and enjoyed my waffles with no leftovers and only a few small bowls to clean up!

Now for extra credit you could mix in some ham and shredded cheddar to make it more savory and “dinner like.” You could mix in some berries for a sweet treat…the possibilities are endless (as you will quickly find out if you follow @waffleizer)

Enjoy – and let me know if you try out the recipe!

27 thoughts on “Snack Break! Waffles for one?

  1. on this saturday morning, i thank you heartily for this hearty recipe! ;)

    i used white, whole-wheat flour and 2 T. egg substitute for the egg (didn’t feel like measuring half an egg), and it filled my waffle maker perfectly (oh yes, and fresh blueberries in the batter, too).

    very cake-like and filling.

  2. I’m on my way to try this. I got this waffle maker and now my family doesn’t want to eat them! Will let you know what happened. Sounds yummy.

  3. Thank you so much! My family hates waffles but I love them so this recipe is a great just for me recipe!

  4. this recipe is awesome! i used regular milk and regular flour and used just the white of an egg rather than trying to half an egg and they came out perfect, just the right amount for just me. I did cinnamon this time but next time I will try a new flavour combo since there are so many things you could do with this. thanks for the recipe (:

  5. Hi! Perfect! I substituted Fage Greek yogurt for buttermilk and butter and added a little water until the consistency was right, but it made two perfect waffles. Thanks!

  6. I made this wonderful recipe for myself after the rest of the family had eaten, but inevitably they looked and smelled so good I had to make another one….

  7. Needed recipe 4 1! Can’t believe no 1 else has 1 on google! These are amazing – its just me and dd in the house, and she doesnt like waffles, but half a fried egg went down very well instead! I used normal plain flour as well, just bcause thats what we had in the house at the time, and milk instead of buttermilk. I also made them with a small egg instead of half a large one when i did it again, and they turned out well then too!

  8. I love this! I was on my way to work yesterday and was craving just ONE waffle. I had no time to fool with a big bowl of batter. I was able to mix this recipe up in a small bowl and use it in my regular waffle maker. It made 1 perfect waffle! I was so satisfied! Thanks for your work on this project! I will use your recipe over and over again! THanks!

  9. I’ve been using this recipe every time I want waffles…usually weekend mornings. Thanks for breaking it down to a workable recipe that doesn’t waste a lot of batter. Perfect for my personal waffle fix! :)

  10. I found them a little thick- added a little more liquid. Stirred frozen blueberries into the dry mix before combining. Just perfect for one! Thanks so much.

  11. My son never has breakfast. I’ve tried to get him to eat anything on school days….. till I found ur amazing recipe.. you’ve made my five yr old very happy! Takes me 15 mins to knock it up fresh every morning. Thank u!

  12. I really wanted waffles for dinner tonight but didn’t feel like making a huge amount of batter and I am so happy I came across your recipe! It was so delicious…I absolutely loved the cinnomon, it added such a wonderful touch. I will definitely be using this recipe in the near future. Thank you!

  13. Happy that my search for a waffle recipe for one found this one this morning! I followed the recipe exactly, but as there was unusually no cinnamon in the kitchen I substituted a bit of freshly ground nutmeg and a pinch of ginger powder. Turns out this was a lovely combo. Served with grilled free-range bacon, half a fig, some blueberries and maple syrup. Yum!

  14. This was great, however when you said “2” waffles, i was prepared to see 2 full waffles (that cover the entire grate) so i made waay to little.

  15. I am a 12 year old waffle maniac and both of my parents are on diets so i only need to make waffles for myself…this recipe worked out GREAT. Thx so much for the recipe :)

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