Michelle, Punya, Kristen and I have a huge favor to ask – can you vote for us? Our proposed SXSWEDU panel “Developing TPACK: Design Case Scenarios on Display” is up and open for voting!
Here’s the description:
Technology integration and developing information literacy skills in students must begin by developing teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) (Mishra & Koehler, 2006). This development however is an intricate and complex process, made even more so by the fact that most technologies are not designed explicitly for education purposes (Koehler & Mishra, 2008). This panel addresses these issues and presents three in-depth practitioner focused case studies from our Master of Arts in Educational Technology program specifically aimed at developing teachers TPACK and creative technology integration. We describe the design and implementation of each case as an example of our attempts to improve K-12 teachers facility to incorporate technology into their classroom practice. Each case study is presented in detail along with data detailing technology specific creative growth and the development of domain-general TPACK.
You can vote for our proposal by visiting: http://panelpicker.sxswedu.com/ideas/view/14302
Voting and commenting closes this Friday, October 28th!