TPACK … y más: Day 2

We started out this morning with a Jolgorio Quickfire. Participants started out by watching this Fun Theory video:

They then had ten minutes to work in groups to come up with an idea for integrating the fun theory into their class or work.

We then moved on to briefly discuss the website and how to find existing TPACK research so we could begin work on the Wicked Problems they are articulating over the week.

Our work is being mediated in Google Docs (and we’re using Titan Pad for quick group notes during the session.)

Para mis participantes – un gran lugar para empezar en busca de ayuda de Google Drive (en español)

I’m having a great time working with the group (which spans a diverse set of subject areas from music, to art, to TESOL, science, math, ed tech and more!) and learning a lot about the university culture and Puerto Rico.

Participants hard at work on the Jolgorio Quickfire:
Workshop Quickfire

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