A glimpse at the #MAET Makers

at 091 Labs
(photo by Chris Sloan)

In our latest MAET Certificate curriculum refresh we have very purposefully embedded the spirit of maker culture into our curriculum (specifically in CEP 811: Adapting Innovative Technologies in Education.) Summer 2013 has indeed been a Summer of Making and Connecting.

We ask students to invent and explore with some of the popular “Maker Kits” available (Makey Makey, Squishy Circuits, LittleBits and Rasperry Pi) and to imagine how they can be used in (and out) of educational settings.

Here are just a few of the inspirational ideas being produced. Be sure to follow the #MAET, #CEP811 #maety1 and #maetel1 hashtags for more posts!

In our overseas program, we visited the Maker Space in Galway: 091 labs.  We were welcomed with open arms and sincerely appreciated the support of the community.  Here’s a short video of our visit captured by one of our instructors (Chris Sloan)

(This inspired a visit by Dan to make his own Golden Snitch with the MakerBot!)

Dan Richardson – Middle School Science – Little Bits & Brine Shrimp

Tom Spackman Maker Reflection

Fiona Deeney –  The Makey Makey Music/Spelling Project

(The assignment inspired a trip to her local maker space!)

Mathrocks4life – Junior High Math – Cartesian Plane/Coordinate Grid and Squishy Circuits Activity Centre

Miss ChamberlinThrifting with the Rasbperry Pi

(post cross posted at http://edutech.msu.edu/2013/08/01/a-glimpse-at-the-maet-makers/

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