#bakefest2011 a recap

Blame it on 7 years of built up PhD stress…but this weekend I went a little nuts in the kitchen.

My #bakefest2011 started with Martha’s Cookie App and Epicurious on the iPad. Say what you want about Martha Stewart – but her cookie app is spectacular, gorgeous & intuitive. While there is a handy shopping list embedded in the app, sometimes I still like to go old school.


Then I started Saturday prepping Santa’s Whiskers and the dough for the gingerbread men and speculaas. I then whipped up a quick batch of M&M sugar cookies (requested by @ryanschram)

M&m sugar cookies

I woke up this morning and baked off the Santa’s Whiskers.  They’re fabulous and I’m definitely adding these to my repertoire.

Santa's whiskers

Next, I rolled out and baked off the gingerbread men.  The last time I made gingerbread men (December 2005) I swore I would not make them again.  Not sure what got into me…but I forgot how horrible it is and assume it will be another 6 (maybe even 10) years before I try it again.
Gingerbread men

I then pulled out the Speculaas dough – FAIL.  It was un-rollable. Moving on! Started cracking eggs for the next rounds and came upon a bit of good luck!
Double yolk

Next up were the Pignoli.  I learned how to make them at Zingerman’s a few weeks ago. They were not exactly the same as they were when I made them at Zingerman’s…I think there was too much egg white and honey…but they turned out OK. (Not great, just ok.)

Next, things took a turn for the worse….

I decided to stop baking for a while and moved to chocolate.  I made chocolate dipped pretzels (super easy!)
Chocolate dipped pretzels

Then I made hazelnut chocolate bars. These too were super easy – melt chocolate, pour into mold, set outside! Though, they were not easy to cut into squares :( Next time I will heat my knife under hot water then attempt to cut the pieces out.

Chocolate hazelnut bars

I built the courage back up to continue baking. I made another Zingerman’s recipe – Cherry Sesame Biscotti. These have become my daily breakfast for the past month! They’re SO GOOD and so easy!!
Sesame cherry biscotti

Then, it was onto more ginger-y goodness. Scott really likes gingerbread, so I thought he would enjoy Jenn’s grandma’s Gingersnaps. They’re a ton easier than gingerbread, and I think they taste better! Thanks Jenn and Gramma Edna.

FINALLY I round out the evening with these Eggnogg Bars from Martha Stewart. They’re a special treat for our MAET instructor luncheon on Tuesday. They take a day or two to set up in the fridge.
#bakefest2011 the final thing - Elizabeth's Eggnog Cheesecake bars

AAAANNNNNDDD….done.  Though after this weekend’s adventures I’m not sure how much more baking I’ll do this holiday season :) Looking forward to sharing the fruits of my labor this week with my friends and colleagues!


4 thoughts on “#bakefest2011 a recap

  1. Damn lady! Somewhere, Martha Stewart is weeping at what a slouch she is. And my gramma edna would be so flattered. She always says “Ginny (she’s from Alabama) Ginny, nothing makes people happier than cookies” And she’s so right. Merry Christmas to you!

  2. If you ever want to attempt Gingerbread Men again, my mother-in-law’s recipe is delicious and quite easy! I also like Martha Stewart’s recipes – I use her Cookie and Cupcake Books often!

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